
Bauhinia jenningsii

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Bauhinia jenningsii
Family: Fabaceae (Bean)
Distribution: Cuba and Mexico (Yucatan)
Description: This Bauhinia is unusual in that it's leaves are fused or entire, unlike other Bauhinia species in which the leaves are split or lobed and have a 'camel-foot' shape, which accounts for one of this species common names, the Fused-Leaf Orchid Tree. It is also referred to as Cow's Tongue or Lengua de Vaca because the flower buds are shaped like a cow's tongue. Bauhinia jenningsii's native range Is Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula) to N. Guatemala and Cuba. It is a slender shrub/ small tree, reaching a height of about 5 meters. Flowers are pendulous, colored pink and yellow, and can be seen blooming from February to September. Prefers full sun to partial shade and moderate water. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.


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